hearing aid

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Special Intimation: All of our Branches and Associates SHROBONEE & SHROBON CENTER are in functional normal working hours. For Any Query Plz Contact: +91 9674366630 / +91 9830074043 or Click on 'Contact Menu' and choose your nearest hearing aid center locations


Category :
Receiver In Canal - RIC
Hearing Fitting Coverage :
Mild to Profound

Resound Key 361 DRW RIE is Receiver In The Ear Digital Hearing Aid manufactured by Resound. Suitable for Mild to Profound Hearing Loss. It has 8 Channel. Fitting Range 20-110 dB. Features: Synchronized Soft Switching, Soft Switching , Multiscope Adaptive Directionality, Adaptive Directionality, Environmental Classifier, DFS Ultra II, Noise Tracker II, Wind Guard, Impulse Noise Reduction, Expansion, Synchronized Acceptance Manager, Low Frequency Boost (Only UP), Tinnitus Sound Generator. FUNCTIONAL FEATURES : Smart Start, Phone Now, Comfort Phone, Direct audio streaming (MFi, Android**, ReSound Wireless Accessory , Compatibility, ReSound Smart 3Dapp. 2 years warranty

Brand Channel Technology Warranty
ReSound Digital Hearing Aid 8 Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aid 2 Yrs.
Qty :
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