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Holiday Notice: All of our Branches and Associates SHROBONEE & SHROBON CENTER will remain close on 26th Jan25 - Republic Day. For Any Query Plz Contact: +91 9674366630 / +91 9830074043 or Click on 'Contact Menu' and choose your nearest hearing aid center locations

User Feedback

"How much do I like my Shrobonee Hearing Aids? In a word, Awesome!" With the Bluetooth streamer, my phone calls are better than they have been in years. I enjoy my Hearing instruments - Very Much! They're awesome! They have vastly improved my auditory life."
Celine Das Kolkata, West Bengal
"I am very pleased with my hearing aids. When I went to mass on Sunday I could hear the priest perfect. He always was muffled before. The service I received was excellent."
Kushal Thakkar Asansol, West Bengal
"I received a brochure that talked about the technology and I liked how advanced they were. Biggest change is I can understand conversation much better. I have the "BTE Motion SX 3mi Hearing Aid" they are the best you can get. It has been a delightful experience. It was not painful, it was enjoyable. I recommend seeing Shrobonee, it is well worth the experience."
Vrijendra Sharma Howrah, West Bengal

Google Users Rating as of 03/09/2018.

4.3 **** if you search "Siemens BestSound Center in Kolkata" in Google