Hearing Tests (Audiological Test) and Vestibular Tests DetailsA. (Standard) Pure Tone Audiometry:Description:It assesses the Frequency Specific Hearing Sensitivity Level (upto 8 kHz) subjectively. Preparation:No preparation required. Eligibility Criteria:
Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). B. (Extended) High Frequency Pure Tone AudiometryDescription:It assesses the Frequency Specific Hearing Sensitivity Level (beyond 8 kHz & upto 16 or 20 kHz) subjectively. Preparation:No preparation required. Eligibility Criteria:
Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). C. Free Field/Sound Field AudiometryDescription:It is used for Non-Formal Screening of Hearing Sensitivity Level. Preparation:Sedated & Natural Sleep is not allowed during testing. Eligibility Criteria:
Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). D.Immittance Audiometry (Low Frequency Tympanometry & Acoustic Reflexometry)Description:It is objectively assesses mobility of the Tympano-Ossicular system as well as to rule out any Middle Ear Pathology (Tympanometry) & assesses the Acoustic Reflex Pathways (Ipsi & Contra) (Acoustic Reflexometry). Preparation:Chewing, Swallowing, & Head or body movements are not allowed during testing as well as during sedated deep sleep, positive pressure may build up in the Middle Ears, which can compromise the results; although positive Middle Ear Pressure does not have any significant diagnostic values. Eligibility Criteria:
Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).E.High/Multi Frequency TympanometryDescription:Objectively assesses the Mass related Pathology of the Middle Ear. Preparation:Chewing, Swallowing, Head or body movements are not allowed during testing as well as during sedated deep sleep, positive pressure may build up in the Middle Ears, which can compromise the results; although positive Middle Ear Pressure does not have any significant diagnostic values. Eligibility Criteria:
Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). F.Eustachian Tube (E. Tube) Function Test (William's Test for Intact T.M. & Toynbee Maneuver for Perforated T.M.)Description:It is used to identify objectively (with subject's co-operation) the abnormal E. Tube function, to differentiate functional obstruction from mechanical obstruction, to differentiate obstruction from abnormal patency, & to monitor E. Tube functioning following Cleft Lip & Palate repair, Adenoidectomy, and elimination of nasal & nasopharyngeal inflammation. Preparation:Chewing, & Head or body movements are not allowed during testing. (a) William's Test: (b) Toynbee Maneuver: After establishing resting position Middle Ear Pressure through tympanogram, the patient is told to close his/her mouth and nose and to swallow (dry). Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). G.Special Tests (TDT, SISI, STAT, ABLB, MLB etc.)Description:These tests are used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology subjectively .Preparation:No preparation required. Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). H.Speech Audiometry (SRT, SDS/WRS, SAT, MCL, UCL, DR, Rollover Ratio or PI-PB Function etc.)Description:Speech Audiometry is subjectively assesses the speech perception ability of the patient & Rollover Ratio is used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology. Preparation:No preparation required. Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions). I.Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)/ Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) [Diagnostic]Description:Preparation:Sedation or Natural sleep is generally required for elimination of Muscle Artifacts. Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).J.Auditory Steady State Response/ASSR Or Amplitude Modulation Following Response/AMFR or The Envelop Following Response/EFR or Steady State Evoked Response/SSER or Steady State Evoked Potential/SSEP [Diagnostic]Description:It assesses Frequency Specific (500 Hz to 4 kHz) average Hearing Sensitivity Level (degree of Hearing) objectively in difficult to test population. Preparation: Sedation or Natural sleep is generally required for elimination of Muscle Artifacts.Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). K.Oto Acoustic Emissions/OAEs (Distortion Product & Transient Evoked) [Diagnostic]Description:It assesses the Outer Hair Cells Functioning upto Periphery Level & to rule out Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorders, objectively (only in Combination with Air Conduction ABR). Preparation:Sedation or Natural sleep is generally preferred but in awake condition with quiet state, this test is done successfully. Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). L.Digital Electronystagmography/ENG [Caloric & Non-Caloric or Air Caloric (by �Vario air instrument)]Description:It assesses the functioning of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex System & records electrical charges between Cornea & Retina. Preparation:Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 6 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). M.Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials/VEMPs (Cervical & Ocular)Description:It assesses the functioning of the Vestibulo-Collic Reflex System as well as the function of Otolith Organs (mainly Saccule) of the Inner Ear. Preparation:Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 6 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). N.Electrocochleography (ECochG/ECoG)Description:It is used to rule out Endolymphatic Hydrops (Menieres Disease), ascertaining of average hearing thresholds & helping the interpretation of ABR where the Peak -I of ABR is not identifiable. Preparation:Eligibility Criteria:Validation of Report:Around 6 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). O.Glycerol TestDescription: It is used to rule out Endolymphatic Hydrops (Meniere's Disease). Preparation: 1. Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. 3. Patient is instructed to stay in fasting condition (most preferable) before the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Outer & Middle Ear diseases is generally not a reliable candidate for this test. 4. Patient should have Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss or Normal Hearing Sensitivity. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). P.Video Electronystagmography/VNG [Caloric]Description: It directly records eye movements (Rotational Nystagmus) by a Video Camera only in Eyes open position as well as to observe, measurement & analysis of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) & evaluates Oculomotor System. Preparation: 1. Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. 3. Patient is instructed to take only a light meal/not eats for several hours before the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient should stay in Eyes Open position during testing. 4. Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Outer and Middle Ear diseases is generally not a candidate for this test. 5. Caloric VNG is not recommended in case of Perforated Tympanic Membrane or any significant Middle Ear diseases. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). Q.Subjective Visual Vertical/SVVDescription: It assesses the ability of a person to perceive verticality & to detect abnormal subjective tilt & evaluates the function of Otolith Organs (mainly Utricle) of the Inner Ear. Preparation: 1. Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient should have Vertigo. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). R.Video Head Impulse Test/VHIT or Video Thrust Test/VTTDescription: It provides diagnostic and functional information about the vestibular system, specifically the Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) & objectively evaluates the Superior & Anterior Semicircular Canals as well as tests the Vestibular System at higher frequencies. Preparation: 1. No need to discontinue any medications before the test if it is done uniquely. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient should stay in Eyes Open position during testing. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions). S.Tinnitus Matching & MaskingDescription: It is used for (audiological) assessment & management of tinnitus subjectively. Preparation: Pure Tone Audiometry is mandatory before this. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. Validation of Report: Around 1 month (depends on advancing age Pathological conditions). T.Speech-Language TherapyDescription: It is a scientific procedure for Speech-Language disordered Populations. Preparation: No preparation required, but it should be more effective if it continues with Occupational/Physio Therapy & Special Education. Note: Voice Therapy & Adult Speech Therapy is done here only by prior appoinment. Child Speech-Language Therapy & Adult Language Therapy may be an option of us in future. Progress: Totally depends on the disorders & it generally a time consuming/long term procedures. For more contact : 9674366631 Sr. Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist - Mentor BASLP (WBUHS), MASLP (WBUHS) |