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Audiology Update

Hearing Tests (Audiological Test) and Vestibular Tests Details

A. (Standard) Pure Tone Audiometry:


It assesses the Frequency Specific Hearing Sensitivity Level (upto 8 kHz) subjectively.


No preparation required.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
  • Age range is around > 6 years.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    B. (Extended) High Frequency Pure Tone Audiometry


    It assesses the Frequency Specific Hearing Sensitivity Level (beyond 8 kHz & upto 16 or 20 kHz) subjectively.


    No preparation required.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
  • Age range is around > 5 years.
  • Patient having tinnitus, monitoring the effects of ototoxic medications, Noise exposure & hearing loss resulting from surgery are reliable candidates for this test.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    C. Free Field/Sound Field Audiometry


    It is used for Non-Formal Screening of Hearing Sensitivity Level.


    Sedated & Natural Sleep is not allowed during testing.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age range is generally below 6 years.
  • Patients who is not a reliable candidate for Pure Tone Audiometry/Play Audiometry.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    D.Immittance Audiometry (Low Frequency Tympanometry & Acoustic Reflexometry)


    It is objectively assesses mobility of the Tympano-Ossicular system as well as to rule out any Middle Ear Pathology (Tympanometry) & assesses the Acoustic Reflex Pathways (Ipsi & Contra) (Acoustic Reflexometry).


    Chewing, Swallowing, & Head or body movements are not allowed during testing as well as during sedated deep sleep, positive pressure may build up in the Middle Ears, which can compromise the results; although positive Middle Ear Pressure does not have any significant diagnostic values.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Severe Otalgia, H/O recently operated Ear(s), Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), Perilymphatic Fistulas are generally not a reliable candidate for tympanometry & Tullio Phenomenon and Hyperacusis suffering patients for Acoustic Reflexometry .
  • Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    E.High/Multi Frequency Tympanometry


    Objectively assesses the Mass related Pathology of the Middle Ear.


    Chewing, Swallowing, Head or body movements are not allowed during testing as well as during sedated deep sleep, positive pressure may build up in the Middle Ears, which can compromise the results; although positive Middle Ear Pressure does not have any significant diagnostic values.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Patients having Active Otorrhea, Severe Otalgia, H/O recently operated Ear(s), Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), Perilymphatic Fistulas are generally not a reliable candidate.
  • Patients having the Mass related Pathology/Characteristics (Ossicular Discontinuity) of the Middle Ear, particularly of the Eardrum & Ossicles are a reliable candidate.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    F.Eustachian Tube (E. Tube) Function Test (William's Test for Intact T.M. & Toynbee Maneuver for Perforated T.M.)


    It is used to identify objectively (with subject's co-operation) the abnormal E. Tube function, to differentiate functional obstruction from mechanical obstruction, to differentiate obstruction from abnormal patency, & to monitor E. Tube functioning following Cleft Lip & Palate repair, Adenoidectomy, and elimination of nasal & nasopharyngeal inflammation.


    Chewing, & Head or body movements are not allowed during testing.

    (a) William's Test:

  • Toynbee: After establishing resting position Middle Ear Pressure through tympanogram, the patient is told to close his/her mouth and nose and to swallow (dry).
  • Valsalva: After Toynbee Maneuver, the patient is told to close his/ her mouth and nose & force air into the middle ear from the nasopharynx as if he/she were blowing his/her nose until the ears feel full.
  • (b) Toynbee Maneuver: After establishing resting position Middle Ear Pressure through tympanogram, the patient is told to close his/her mouth and nose and to swallow (dry).

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Severe Otalgia, H/O recently operated Ear(s), Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), Perilymphatic Fistulas are generally not a reliable candidate.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    G.Special Tests (TDT, SISI, STAT, ABLB, MLB etc.)


    These tests are used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology subjectively



    No preparation required.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
  • Age range (generally > 8 years) is depends on Intellectual Functioning Level of the Patient.
  • Typical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss is required otherwise outcome will be Insignificant.
  • For Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance Test & Supra Threshold Adaptation Test, Unilateral or Asymmetrical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss (>40 dB or more) is required.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    H.Speech Audiometry (SRT, SDS/WRS, SAT, MCL, UCL, DR, Rollover Ratio or PI-PB Function etc.)


    Speech Audiometry is subjectively assesses the speech perception ability of the patient & Rollover Ratio is used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology.


    No preparation required.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
  • Age range is around > 8 years.
  • Typical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss is required otherwise outcome will be Insignificant for Rollover Ratio.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).

    I.Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)/ Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) [Diagnostic]


  • Air Conduction ABR: It is used for Site of Lesion (differentiate Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology) testing & for threshold estimation (average degree of Hearing Level) objectively; in difficult to test population.
  • Bone Conduction ABR: It is used to detect Average Bone Conduction Hearing Level as well as Type of Hearing Loss, objectively (only in combination with Air Conduction ABR) & in presence of Anatomical Deformities like Aural Atresia/Stenosis etc.
  • Preparation:

    Sedation or Natural sleep is generally required for elimination of Muscle Artifacts.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age range is generally > 2 months.
  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), are generally not a candidate for this test.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological


    J.Auditory Steady State Response/ASSR Or Amplitude Modulation Following Response/AMFR or The Envelop Following Response/EFR or Steady State Evoked Response/SSER or Steady State Evoked Potential/SSEP [Diagnostic]


    It assesses Frequency Specific (500 Hz to 4 kHz) average Hearing Sensitivity Level (degree of Hearing) objectively in difficult to test population.

    Preparation: Sedation or Natural sleep is generally required for elimination of Muscle Artifacts.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age range is generally > 2 months.
  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), are generally not a candidate for this test.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    K.Oto Acoustic Emissions/OAEs (Distortion Product & Transient Evoked) [Diagnostic]


    It assesses the Outer Hair Cells Functioning upto Periphery Level & to rule out Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorders, objectively (only in Combination with Air Conduction ABR).


    Sedation or Natural sleep is generally preferred but in awake condition with quiet state, this test is done successfully.

    Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age range is generally > 48 hours after birth.
  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), are generally not a candidate for this test.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    L.Digital Electronystagmography/ENG [Caloric & Non-Caloric or Air Caloric (by �Vario air instrument)]


    It assesses the functioning of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex System & records electrical charges between Cornea & Retina.


  • Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test.
  • To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test.
  • Patient is instructed to take only a light meal/not eats for several hours before the test.
  • Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
  • Age range is generally adult population.
  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Outer and Middle Ear diseases is generally not a candidate for this test.
  • Caloric ENG is not recommended in case of Perforated Tympanic Membrane or any significant Middle Ear diseases where Non-Caloric or Air-Caloric ENG is the best option.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 6 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    M.Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials/VEMPs (Cervical & Ocular)


    It assesses the functioning of the Vestibulo-Collic Reflex System as well as the function of Otolith Organs (mainly Saccule) of the Inner Ear.


  • Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test.
  • To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test.
  • Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
  • Age range is generally adult population.
  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Middle Ear diseases is generally not a reliable candidate for this test.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 6 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    N.Electrocochleography (ECochG/ECoG)


    It is used to rule out Endolymphatic Hydrops (Menieres Disease), ascertaining of average hearing thresholds & helping the interpretation of ABR where the Peak -I of ABR is not identifiable.


  • Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test.
  • To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test.
  • Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age range is generally adult population.
  • Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Outer & Middle Ear diseases is generally not a reliable candidate for this test.
  • Patient should have Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss (not more than 50-60 dB, at mid to high frequency region) in Pure Tone Audiometry, otherwise the outcome will be contradictory/insignificant especially to evaluate Endolymphatic Hydrops.
  • Validation of Report:

    Around 6 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    O.Glycerol Test

    Description: It is used to rule out Endolymphatic Hydrops (Meniere's Disease). Preparation: 1. Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. 3. Patient is instructed to stay in fasting condition (most preferable) before the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Outer & Middle Ear diseases is generally not a reliable candidate for this test. 4. Patient should have Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss or Normal Hearing Sensitivity. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    P.Video Electronystagmography/VNG [Caloric]

    Description: It directly records eye movements (Rotational Nystagmus) by a Video Camera only in Eyes open position as well as to observe, measurement & analysis of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) & evaluates Oculomotor System.

    Preparation: 1. Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. 3. Patient is instructed to take only a light meal/not eats for several hours before the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient should stay in Eyes Open position during testing. 4. Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), & any significant Outer and Middle Ear diseases is generally not a candidate for this test. 5. Caloric VNG is not recommended in case of Perforated Tympanic Membrane or any significant Middle Ear diseases. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    Q.Subjective Visual Vertical/SVV

    Description: It assesses the ability of a person to perceive verticality & to detect abnormal subjective tilt & evaluates the function of Otolith Organs (mainly Utricle) of the Inner Ear. Preparation: 1. Patient is instructed to avoid any form of alcohol & certain drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, anitihistaminics, anti-vertigo medications etc.) minimum 72 hours (if not possible then minimum 48 hours) before the test. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient should have Vertigo. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    R.Video Head Impulse Test/VHIT or Video Thrust Test/VTT

    Description: It provides diagnostic and functional information about the vestibular system, specifically the Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) & objectively evaluates the Superior & Anterior Semicircular Canals as well as tests the Vestibular System at higher frequencies. Preparation: 1. No need to discontinue any medications before the test if it is done uniquely. 2. To avoid tea, coffee, or any stimulating drinks, chocolate & any form of smoking, tobacco etc. at least 2 hours prior to the test. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. 3. Patient should stay in Eyes Open position during testing. Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).

    S.Tinnitus Matching & Masking

    Description: It is used for (audiological) assessment & management of tinnitus subjectively. Preparation: Pure Tone Audiometry is mandatory before this. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level. 2. Age range is generally adult population. Validation of Report: Around 1 month (depends on advancing age Pathological conditions).

    T.Speech-Language Therapy

    Description: It is a scientific procedure for Speech-Language disordered Populations. Preparation: No preparation required, but it should be more effective if it continues with Occupational/Physio Therapy & Special Education. Note: Voice Therapy & Adult Speech Therapy is done here only by prior appoinment. Child Speech-Language Therapy & Adult Language Therapy may be an option of us in future. Progress: Totally depends on the disorders & it generally a time consuming/long term procedures. For more contact : 9674366631 Sr. Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist - Mentor BASLP (WBUHS), MASLP (WBUHS)