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Holiday Notice: All of our Branches and Associates SHROBONEE & SHROBON CENTER will remain close on 26th Jan25 - Republic Day. For Any Query Plz Contact: +91 9674366630 / +91 9830074043 or Click on 'Contact Menu' and choose your nearest hearing aid center locations

Rates of Audiological, Electrophysiological & Vestibular Tests (W.E.F - 1st Jan 2025)



1. Pure Tone Audiometry [PTA] 700.00
2. Pure Tone Audiometry High Frequency  [PTA -HF] 700.00
3. Impedance Audiometry [Tympanometry] 700.00
4. Impedance Audiometry - Multi Frequency [Tympanometry- MF] 1200.00
5. Tone Decay Test [T.D.T] 600.00
6. Speech Audiometry 600.00
7. Short Increment Sensitivity Index[S.I.S.I] 600.00
8. Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance [A.B.L.B] 600.00
9. Speech Therapy per sitting[By appointment] 700.00
10. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy [T.R.T]/Per Sitting 300.00
11. Tinnitus Matching 500.00
12. B.E.R.A / A.B.R. [Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry ] 2500.00
13. A.S.S.R [Audiotory Steady State Response] 2500.00
14. O.A.E. Diagnositc 2000.00
15. C.V.E.M.P [Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential] 1500.00
16. O.V.E.M.P [Occular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential] 1800.00
17. E.N.G. [Electronystagmography] with Caloric 2500.00
18. E.N.G. [Electronystagmography] without Caloric 2000.00
19. Caloric 2000.00
20. Electrocochleography (EcochG) 3500.00
21. E.Tube Function Test 700.00
22. Glycerol Test 1500.00
23. S.V.V 2000.00
24. V.N.G (Video Nystagmography) 3500.00
25. H.I.T. (Head Impulse Test) 1800.00
25. Behavioral Observation Audiometry [BOA] /Free Field [FF] Audiometry 500.00
26. Hearing Aid Trial / Programming 1000.00
27. Quotation 1000.00