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UNIQUE 30 FP 30 Power BTE

Category :
Behind The Ear - BTE
Hearing Fitting Coverage :

Widex Unique 30 – U03 FP Power BTE – is a wireless Behind The Ear type digital hearing aid by Widex. Features : U03 FP Power BTE – is Fully digital programmable with 4 Processing channels, 4 fine tuning channels, Omni/Front locator, U platform, Widex wireless connectivity . Preference control, Noise reduction minimal, 1 sound class technology, Fixed focus Mode, 3 Listening Programs, IE Volume /Program Shift, smart Speak, Smart tone Zen, Classic Speed compression, Acclimatization. Battery life 260hrs. Fitting Range 20-110dBHL. Battery size -13. As per price list 1st May 2022.

Brand Channel Technology Warranty
Widex Digital Hearing Aid 4 Digital Wireless Programmable 2 Yrs.
Qty :
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